You have come to the right place!

If you are looking to live a more intentional life filled with small, yet profound moments of beauty, well-being and inspiration then I think you are exactly where you need to be. If all things French and Paris makes your heart skip a beat, if you love dogs as much as I do, if you love gardening, cooking, reading, and improving the quality of your life by getting to know yourself betterโ€ฆ Then I think you should definitely stick around. ๐Ÿ˜‰

My intention for creating this blog is for both you, my readers and I, to live a more intentional life filled with small pleasures, softness and nourishment. A life in which we learn how to become the captains of our own hearts.ย 

Just one more thing…

Please take what resonates and leave what doesn’t.



Hi, so glad you are here!

Though I am sure you will get to know me better through my writing, let me give you a short introduction…

My name is Wendy, a 30 something year old woman living in Belgium with my husband and three rescue dogs. I teach English and biology to middle school and high school students.

I’m a ferocious reader and I’ve always had an insatiable hunger for knowledge. Trying to understand how the world around me works has always been something I’ve been fascinated with. This innate curiosity and eagerness to learn has allowed me to become a keen observer. It also allowed me to cultivate a rich inner world filled with dreams, questions and reverence for life.

For as long as I can remember, I wanted to become a writer. The truth is, from the moment I learnedย  how to write, I became a writer. It is through writing that I process the world. It is also through writing that I can create a sense of clarity and connection to myself as it allows me to know what my thoughts and feelings are.

To me, writing is remembrance. It allows me to remember who I am and where I want to go. I’ve kept diaries and notebooks filled with poetry, dreams and fears for decades. But only now have I been able to muster up the courage to start my blog. 

The Chic Dogs

I refer to my rescue dogs as ‘The Chic Dogs’ because although they used to be stray dogs, all three of them are quite Chic and elegant creatures. Just like any of us, they love their Spa treatments (except for Milly), their comfy beds and a beautiful peaceful garden and home.


Milly is the grandma of the pack. She was born in Turkey and has been through some gruesome things at the hands of malicious humans, I won’t go into details. She’s safe, happy and living her best life now.

She’s around 14 years old and has been with us since 2011. We adopted her from Sos Stray Dogs . She’s gorgeous, regal and a true leader.

Alhough she loves fiercely, she always keeps somewhat of a distance, even from me. Always ill at ease with people’s intentions.

She reminds me of a wolf. A beautiful wild child at heart.


Marlow was born in Spain and found in a dumpster at barely 5 weeks old. A traumatizing start in life has left its marks on him. He has some real abondenment issues and distrusts most people. He can be reactive if he feels threatened (not with us though).

He’s a real momma’s boy and his best friend is a shark named Snooty. He’s higly sensitive and quite keen on his everyday luxuries. He loves smoked salmon (of course) and cucumbers. His superpowers reside in his ears!

We adopted him in 2014 at 4 months old from Ace Charity Spain . Though he is a huge dog and looks quite impressive to most people, to me, he is my baby.


Emma was born in Romania and I found her through social media. In a clip of barely a few seconds long, I could see how heartbroken and overwhelmed she was by all the loud noises and poor conditions of the public shelter. How could a baby be so sad? So overwhelmed by the world already?

I couldn’t sleep that night, haunted by the sadness in her eyes. I contacted the rescuers Care 4 Shelter Dogs , the next day. She’s been my baby since 2019.

Emma too is very sensitive and easily overwhelmed. It took me 3 years to convince her to go on a hike with me. She has an unusual appetite for boiled eggs and broccoli. She often ‘asks’ to go upstairs and sits in front of the big arched window in our bedroom. Often alone or with Marlow.

She’s magic!


“The biggest and truest loves of my life have always been dogs!”
